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Get Help

We provide specialist services in respect of energy, employment, debt and welfare benefits. We deliver advice sessions at various locations.

In Person

Drop in advice services in our offices.

Self Help

Online self help advice.

On the Phone

Telephone based advice services.


Find it difficult to access our service you, try our outreaches.

Food Banks

Food banks in the local area.

In Person




Church Row,


Advice drop-in sessions

Mon - Fri  10:00 am to 12:00 pm  OPEN

Redcar and Cleveland


17 Queen St,


TS10 1AB


Advice drop-in sessions

Tuesday  10.00 am to 12.00 pm OPEN

Thursday  10.00 am to 12.00 pm OPEN

On the Phone


Redcar and Cleveland

Cost of Living

0808 278 7953

Tuesday 12:00pm to 5:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm to 4:00pm

Thursday 12:00pm to 5:00pm

If you require one off email advice.  We aim to reply within 3 working days.  If your issue is urgent please contact us by phone or come to one of our drop-in sessions.


Debt and Money Advice

07597 031972

Leave your name and telephone number and a brief summary of your debt, someone will return a call to complete a debt assessment

or email your name and number to

and we will call you back.

Complaints Procedure


Mortgage & Rent Arrears Service (Redcar & Cleveland Area)

01642 030000


Financial Inclusion - (Redcar & Cleveland Area)​


Telephone Advice (Redcar & Cleveland Area)

01642 030000

Friday 9:30am to 2:30pm

Leave your name and telephone number and we will return a call, or email your name and number to



01325 266888 Ext 152 or email  (Monday to Friday 10am-4pm). Energy Referral Form.


Pension Credit Services - (Redcar & Cleveland Area)

We can help you check your entitlement to Pension Credit and make the claim. To contact us
call: 01325 734999 (Mon-Fri 2- 4 pm)

Cost of Living

0808 278 7953

Tuesday 12:00am to 5:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm to 4:00pm

Thursday 12:00pm to 5:00pm

If you require one off email advice.  We aim to reply within 3 working days.  If your issue is urgent please contact us by phone or come to one of our drop-in sessions.


Debt and Money Advice

07597 031972

Leave your name and telephone number and a brief summary of your debt, someone will return a call to complete a debt assessment

or email your name and number to

and we will call you back.

Complaints Procedure


Community Support Scheme - (Darlington Area)

01325 734991

(Monday to Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 4:00pm)


Financial Inclusion - (Darlington Area)​

Call Lisa on 01325 266888 Ext 153 or email


Benefits Entitlement Actions Team - (Darlington Area)

01325 266888



01325 266888 Ext 152 or email  (Monday to Friday 10am-4pm). Energy Referral Form.


Health Advice Services - (Darlington Area)

Macmillan and GP Surgeries Outreach Services, telephone advice based appointments can be requested by contacting GP surgeries listed here. For people with cancer and their families, contact Macmillan Information and Support Centre on:

01325 743008


Pension Credit Services - (Darlington Area)

We can help you check your entitlement to Pension Credit and make the claim. To contact us
01325 734999 (Mon-Fri 2- 4 pm) 


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